Welcoming remarks by M. Lamamra - Oran Process

Excellency Mr. Chair of the Peace and Security Council, my dear brother and friend Geoffrey Onyeama, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Nigeria;
Honorable Ministers dear sisters and brothers Members of the PSC, current and incoming Members of the A3 as well as friends of the Group;
Distinguished High officials from the African Union and the United Nations;
Distinguished Representatives of the partnering countries;
Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen;
It gives me great pleasure to welcome all of you most warmly and to convey to you the greetings of H.E President Abdelmadjid TEBBOUNE as well as his best wishes for the full success of the 9th High Level Seminar on Peace and Security in Africa.
This annual gatheringthat you have collectively decided last year to name as “the Oran Process” while rightfully choosing this beautiful city to be its permanent hosthas become an important source of inspiration in promoting our overriding objective of Africa speaking with one voice on the global stage, in particular within the UN Security Council.
We are therefore truly honored to continue contributingto the success of this panafrican and international endeavor by bringing together the main stakeholders involved in this authentic process, namely the Members of the African Union Peace and Security Council, the African Members of the UN Security Council (current, outgoing and incoming), as well as High Officials from both the AU Commission and the UN Secretariat.
Our perseverance in pursuing this noble objective is all the more relevant today as the world is going through increasing tensions and mounting polarization against the background of a major crisis that threatens to revive one of the darkest chapters of human history.
While exacerbating the negative impacts of many other existing crises, including in Africa, these new circumstances have unveiled again the structural weaknesses of the international system for the maintenance of peace and security.
In this regard, we firmly believe that Africa, which has long been calling for the reform of the UN Security Council to end-up the historical injustice inflicted on it for nearly eight decades now, is entitled to make its case over and over, while emphasizing the urgent need for an inclusive and balanced multilateralism to address global challenges in an effective and efficient manner.
Our continent, which has long inscribed respect for international law and non-alignment as essential components of its diplomatic action, has the will, the ability as well as the much-needed wisdom to make a positive contribution towards the betterment ofinternational relations.
Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,
In this context full of uncertainties, we meet again today with the aim of making new steps in our path towards fulfilling the panafricanist vision of the Founding Fathers of our Organization.
A vision that has been well articulated in Agenda 2063 which aims to achieve “an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the international arena”.
In this regard, and while welcoming with great satisfaction the progress made so far in terms of operationalizing the Flagship Projects of Agenda 2063, notably in terms of accelerating Africa's integration and development, I would like to emphasize that a unified African voice within the UN Security Council is also an integral part of the “Africa We Want” project.
You will no doubt agree with me that the A3 arrangement, which few years back, took shape here in this same city, hasbecome particularly critical in promoting Africa’s major interests within the decision-making process of the UN Security Council.
I take this opportunity to highly commend the current members of the A3 and the Coordinator of the Group, the sisterly Republic of Kenya, for their tremendous efforts in championing African Common Positions, and congratulate them most sincerely on their unified role.
Building on this dynamic, Algeria aspires to bring its share to this continental enterprise through its candidature for a non-permanent seat in the UNSC during the period 2024-2025. Our first and foremost objective is to join hands with our African fellows toconsolidate the African bloc within the most important international platform for peace and security.
In this connection, I would like to assure you that, under the leadership of H.E President Abdelmadjid TEBBOUNE and faithfulto its constant and steadfast commitment to the causes of Africa, Algeria will spare no effort in upholding and promoting the principles of our Organization while carrying the continental mandate that the African Union has entrusted upon my country, Algeria, when endorsing its candidature.
Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,
Let me conclude by emphasizing again Algeria’s firm conviction that in face of great upheavals, we need to upholdthe even greater values of unity and solidarity to steer up our collective self-reliance, while seeking partnerships that respect Africa’s sovereign rights in all areas of international life.
Faithful to this deep conviction, Algeria will continue its role as an active force for peace and stability in Africa lending its full support to the implementation of African solutions to African problems.
I hope this new edition of the “Oran Process” will further strengthen our collective commitment to promote these ideals and I wish you fruitfuldeliberations as well as a pleasant stay in the beautiful and vibrant city of Oran.
Thank you for your kind attention.