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People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad

Ambassador Selma Haddadi's speech on the occasion of presenting her candidacy for the position of Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission

  •   Excellencies, dear Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives,
  • Excellencies, High Officials of the African Union’s Commission,
  • Ladies and gentlemen,
  • Distinguished guests,

Good evening to all of you!

I would like, first of all, to welcome you, most warmly, and to thank you, most sincerely, for your presence this evening at thisfamilyreceptiondedicated to introduce Algeria’s candidate for the position of Deputy Chairperson of the African Union’s Commission.

Let me also convey to all of you the warm wishes and greetings of President Abdelmadjid TEBBOUNE who attaches great importance to your work and to the role of our Continental Organization, the African Union. Together with his fellow African Heads of State and Governement, President Abdelmadjid TEBBOUNE is very keen about the future of our Organization and deeply committed to bringing in Algeria’s fair share to promote our collective agenda for peace, stability and shared prosperity.

In two months time from now, Member States of our Organization will have the opportunity to elect a new leadership of the African Union’s Commission. Thisoperation may seem as an ordinary task or a business as usual undertaking. After all, we have gone through the same exercice at least five times since the transition from the OUA to the AU, and no less that fifteen times since the creation of the OUA back in 1963.

Notwithstanding this track record, we firmly beleive that the upcoming electionsare anything but ordinary!

They are not ordinary elections, because times we are living in are not ordinary times. They are times of deep crisis, times of profound turmoil and, most clearly, times of great uncertainty worldwide. As we see it:

  • It is no longer possible to affirm that international law is above all and that it applies to everyone and everywhere;
  • It is also no longer possible to rely on the international collective security system to achieveregional peace and global stability;
  • And last but not least, it is no longer possible to claim that the international system protects the weaker from the stronger and that it unites the world around universal norms, principles and values.

These dangerous dynamics are being at play in almost each and every crisis situation around the world.

  • We have all seen how the logic of double standards has become evident in the face of war crimes and crimes against humanity being committedopenly and brazenly against civilians;
  • We have also all seen how the excessive use of force has become a privileged pattern to dominate others and to promote selfish interests against global common good;
  • And last but not least, we have all seen how universal Organizations, like the United Nations, have been weakened and marginalized while hotbeds of crises, tensions and conflicts multiply, accumulate and expand regionally and globally.

Clearly, the world is in dire need of a great deal of political wisdom and strategic foresight;two values that have constantly hallmarked the African family. Our continental Organization, the African Union, is therefore expected to play a prominent role in tackling this unfortunate world state of affairs, while advocating for the norms and principles that make up the solid foundation of the contemporary international system.

The strong voice of our Organization is badly needed. Its active involvement is urgently required.

Indeed, the African Union cannot remain idle in the face of challenges that continue to unfold unabated on our Continent as a result of the ongoing polarizations and increasing divisions worldwide. The mounting threats of foreign interventions of multiple dimensions, those of terrorism and transnational crimes of all kinds, as well as those of endemic political instability and chronic economic deficiencyare all worrisome developments that deserve our Organization’sunshaken dedication, extreme attention anddecisive action.

Likewise, the African Union cannot afford to shy away from the numerous opportunities lying ahead to assert its rightful place in the global arena. Africa has recently made major breakthroughs that need to be consolidated, pursued and nurtured to better serve our collective agenda, Agenda 2063. And by such assertion, I make reference to what I prefer to designateas the“strategic collective endeavors” that our Organization is ought to seriously tackle in the coming period:    

  • The first strategic collective endeavor being the admission of the African Union as a permanent Member of the G20. Such membership is not and should not be an end in itself. Looking ahead, Africa will have to accomplish the task of ensuring proper preparation to make full use of that membership in promoting its priorities, ambitionsand aspirations.
  • The second strategic collective endeavoris that of the appropriation by Africa of the peace-making efforts in our continent, following last year’s adoption of the Security Council’s resolution 2719 on the financing of AU-led Peace Support Operations. Our efforts should be geared in the near future towards translating this diplomatic success into concrete actions and deeds on the ground.
  • The third strategic collective endeavoris related to the ever-growing support being landed to Africa’s legitimate demands with regards to the UN Security Council’s reform. Going forward, we are dutybound to seize that positive dynamicand to build on it to ensure that the collective aspirations of our 55 Member States are duly considered and diligently addressed as a priority within the ongoing reform process.
  • The fourth and last strategic collective endeavorconcerns the reform of the international financial institutions. Here also the calls we have been constantly making to end Africa’s marginalization are being more and more taken into account, which makes it necessary for us to come up with a clear and action-oriented vision on how to move this processforward.


Ladies and gentlemen,

To navigate through the complex challenges thatI referred to earlier and to unlock the promising opportunities that I just mentioned, our Organization needs a strong, efficient and professional Commission, led by a panafricanist, highly qualified, dedicated, and committed team.A team that is capable of consolidating past achievements, while shaping new perspectives for the Continent, its Member States and its peoples.

I strongly believe that only the most qualified and experienced candidates, demonstrating the highest standards of moral integrity, professional and diplomatic skills, as well as deep knowledge and understanding of the Organization, should be given the opportunity to serve in the leadership positions of the African Union Commission.

Bearing this in mind and driven by its longstanding and never denied commitment to the African Unity, the Algerian Government has decided to officially submit the candidacy of one of its most panafricanist and distinctly qualified daughters to the position of Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC), in the person of Ambassador Selma Malika Haddadi.

Ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union and to the UN Economic Commission for Africa, Madam Haddadi is a lawyer and a seasoned diplomat. She is a sister and a colleague of yours, whom you perfectly know, both in the Permanent Representatives’ Committeeand in the AU Commission.

Her significant and rich experience in African and international affairs, is evidenced throughout her conclusive and impactful tenures in various positions she held both in Algeria as Director General for African Affairs, and in various diplomatic missions in Africa, including in Kenya and here in Addis-Ababa, as well as in other multilateral diplomatic stations, such as Geneva. 

As she has ably done it in the previous positions she held, be assured that, if elected, Ambassador Selma Malika Haddadi will spare no efforts to ensure that our Continental organization’s secretariat meets the highest standards of management in terms ofhuman capital and financial resources.With your confidence and support, she will bring to the AU Commission the required energy, the needed dynamism and the desiredefficiency for a healthier management to unleash the full potential of the Africa we want and the Africa we cherish.

There is an adage that emerged during South Africa’s resistance to apartheid regime that speaks to the contribution of women in the fight against oppression. This adage translates in English as follows: “You strike a woman; you strike a rock”. I can assure you that, if elected, Ambassador Selma Malika Haddadi will be a rock of the AU management structure: a rock that consolidates the unity of our Organization, a rock that strengthens the resilience of the African Common Action, and a rock that builds up the cohesion of the new leadership team of the AU Commission.

Rest assured that the Algerian candidate is a safe pair of hands that can be entrusted with this heavy, but still gratifying and very rewarding responsibility. Ambassador Haddadi is ready to serve. She is ready to lead. And, she is ready to deliver on the mandate we hope you will entrust her with next February.

Allow me to conclude by stating clearly that:

  • Algeria’s candidature is not a vain quest for prestige;
  • Algeria’s candidature is not a useless search for influence;
  • Algeria’s candidature is not driven by a thirst for laurels;
  • Algeria’s candidature does not come out of a sudden search or eagerness to score political points;

Algeria’s candidature is none of that all.Rather:

  • Algeria’ candidature comes out of a strong determination to serve our Union, to serve it diligently, to serve it tirelessly, and to serve it faithfully; 
  • Algeria’s candidature comes out of a strong belief that it is timely, and that it is adapted to the new continental environment with its challenges and promises;
  • And finally, Algeria’s candidature comes out of a deep inner sense of an African duty that we are keen to fulfill with all African men and women of commitment, faith, loyalty and good will.    

I thank you all for your kind attention.

Long live Africa;

Long live the African Union;

Long live the African unity.   

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