People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad
The Ministry
Minister of State
The Secretary of State in charge of National Community Abroad
The Secretary of State in Charge of African Affairs
The Secretary General
Inspector General and Advisor Ambassadors
Organization chart and Attributions
Institute of Diplomacy and International Relations (IDIR)
Foreign policy
Multilateral relations
Algeria - Arab Maghreb Union
Algeria - African Union
Algeria - League of Arab States
Algeria - United Nations
Algeria - Other International Organizations
Bilateral relations
Arab countries
International and regional issues
Regional and international crises
Fight against terrorism
Sustainable development
Other issues
Algeria in international and regional organizations
UN in New York
UN Office in Geneva and international organizations in Switzerland
UN and other international organizations in Vienna and The Hague
The AU and the ECA in Addis Ababa
The League of Arab States in Cairo and the OIC in Jeddah
Economic diplomacy
Access to foreign markets
Economic information and activities
Target countries
Support for exports
Measures and facilitations
Exporter guide
Trade agreements and FTA
Bilateral and multilateral agreements
Free-trade areas
Invest in Algeria
Legal framework
Investment opportunities
Information session on the new investment law
Attributions and structures
Consular Affairs
At the diplomatic & consular missions
Consular registration
Civil status
Biometric documents
Social & legal affairs
Others Services
At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Civil status
Legalisation of documents
Other consular services
Services for foreigners
Entry visa to Algeria
Work and residence in Algeria
Targeted International Sanctions Committee
Security Council consolidated list
The role of the Ministry of Foreign Affair and the National Community Abroad
Legal framework
Composition of the Targeted International Sanctions Follow up Committee
Security Council sanctions in force
Sanctions Committees
Press and information
News and press releases
Video news
Accreditation of journalists
Algeria UN Security Council candidate 2024-2025
All rights reserved - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad