Ministry of Foreign Affairs Statement - French ambassador summoned 28/01/2025

Algeria notes with deep concern the consistent testimonies from a number of Algerian nationals regarding the provocative, degrading and discriminatory treatment to which they are subjected by the Border Police at Roissy Charles-De-Gaulle and Orly airports.
After verifying the accuracy of this information, The Secretary of State to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in charge of the National Community Abroad, Mr Sofiane Chaib summoned the French ambassador to Algeria “to express the Algerian government's strong protest against these completely unacceptable practices.
He also affirmed Algeria's outright rejection of any violation, in any manner whatsoever, of its citizens' dignity, or their exploitation for purposes of pressure, provocation or attempted intimidation against their country.
The Secretary of State asked the ambassador to convey to his government the necessity of taking all indispensable measures to halt, without delay, these unacceptable practices that bring dishonor to the French government.